Thyme & Temp could have easily been named something else. For example, Too Many Cocktails comes to mind as it was formed slowly, and somewhat unintentionally, while we sat on Jane’s old patio with a couple of drinks she was determined to master.
Another option would have been, I Think I Can Make That as Jeff would often proclaim over-ambitiously while planning to impress Jane with a home cooked meal that involved too many courses and too large a mess.
Finally, We Threw A Party would have been the most appropriate title as that’s when we discovered our fondness for collaborating, preparing, and cooking together while planning a night at our house with our dearest friends.
It was during the development of that party in which we defined what we found most exciting about food and cooking. Instead of getting stuck in the Hows of it all, our personalities propelled us to focus on the Why Nots. Ultimately, that’s what we love most about our experiences in the kitchen, or a restaurant, but also everything and everywhere else in life. We want to seek new experiences and have fun while doing them, and for better or worse, share the results with the people around us.
We are joined by our consistently entertaining cast of characters we call ‘pets’. Whether they are under our feet, or trying to sneak their way into a photo, all four are blessed with distinct personalities and a willingness to do whatever it takes to be a part of the process.
- Stella
- Jimmy Wilkins
- Melanie
- Winston
Thank you for visiting our site. Please feel free to help with the dishes.